The Fall season begins in mid-late August for practice and games start the weekend after Labor Day. Last games will be the end of October or first weekend of November.
The Spring season begins in late March - early April for practice and games start in April. Last games will be early June.
All teams are recreational. Teams are based on birth year. There are no tryouts for recreational teams. Players will play at least 50% of each game. Team formation / player placement is different in soccer than other sports. Players are placed by birth year (not grade) to form teams. Often times we will need to combine two age groups to make a team. For example, we may combine, 11U and 12U players to create a team. Teams are not based on skill/talent. We cannot guarantee requests for players to play with certain other players or coaches. When possible, teams will remain the same from fall to spring seasons.
Coaches are volunteers. NSC provides coaches with activities and ideas/concepts for practices.
Most teams practice 2 times per week at McAninch Sports Complex in Norwalk. Coaches set their team practice schedule.
Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 seasons:
7U/8U (Birth years 2018 and 2017) play on Saturdays in Norwalk
9U/10U (Birth years 2016 and 2015) Girls play on Saturdays in central Iowa
9U/10U (Birth years 2016 and 2015) Co-ed/Boys play on Sunday afternoons in central Iowa
11U/12U (Birth years 2014 and 2013) play on Saturdays or Sunday afternoons in central Iowa
13U/14U/15U (Birth years 2012 and 2011 - including 8th graders with a 2010 birth year) play on Saturdays in central Iowa
Financial aid/scholarships are available - please apply here prior to registering.
Volunteers needed! Coaches & field painters are vital to Norwalk Soccer Club. Please consider donating your time to help. Volunteers will receive a $25 refund!
Registration for Fall 2024
You will need to upload a birth certificate & headshot for your player.